Mission Statement

The mission of School Health Services is to provide compassionate quality health services that serve children, their families, and the school community to promote educational success and lifelong healthy habits.

Vision Statement

Our vision is that each student will develop positive health habits that will enable them to be productive, responsible, global citizens who engage in lifelong learning.

Mrs. Leslie Minick

School Nurse Coordinator

(803) 321-2620

Fax: (803) 321-1158

Mrs. Wendy Long

Administrative Assistant for School Nurse Coordinator

(803) 321-2620  

Fax: (803) 321-1158



March 10, 2020



Click the links below to learn more about COVID-19

What you need to know about Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

Lo que necesita saber sobre la enfermedad del coronavirus 2019(COVID-19)

The district is closely monitoring and following guidance from the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDOE), and the Newberry County Emergency Services. Our primary focus is to keep our students and our community safe while providing continuity of service to students. We will continue to update our families and community as changes occur.

Specific steps being taken by the district include:

●Reviewing our emergency response plans with key personnel across schools and departments

●Reminding students and staff to limit physical contact, follow appropriate respiratory etiquette, and to regularly and thoroughly wash hands

●Reminding parents and employees that students or staff who have symptoms of a respiratory illness should not come to school or work

●Requesting that students who have a household member who has been recommended for home isolation not return to school until the isolation period has ended in their household

●Monitoring absenteeism and notifying local health officials about large increases in student or staff absences

●Strengthening procedures to isolate and send home students and staff who are sick at school as soon as symptoms present

●Enhancing existing cleaning and disinfecting processes and frequency


We will follow all available guidance provided by DHEC, the CDC, the SCDOE, and the Newberry County Emergency Services in addition to determining specific responses that may be appropriate and in the best interest of our students and staff. Such responses could include:

●Increased communication with families

●Coordinated student handwashing and enhanced screening of people with respiratory symptoms or potential exposure within our schools

●Further increasing the frequency and methods of cleaning hard surfaces such as doorknobs and desks

●Postponement or cancellation of extra-curricular events, after-school activities, and field trips

●Closure of one or more schools with implementation of methods for continued academic instruction at home

Should a case of coronavirus be confirmed by DHEC among our students, staff and families, we will immediately notify all employees and parents and provide recommendations and next steps.


Stop the Spread of Germs (Video)(Click link to learn more)

The partnership of our families is a critical component of our district’s preparation and response to the potential spreading of coronavirus. Families are advised to remain informed and closely follow guidance from the CDC (Click link to learn more).

A brief summary of these includes:

●Stop germs by washing your hands frequently and thoroughly. Keeping your hands clean is one of the most important things you can do to stop the spread of germs and stay healthy.

●Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

●Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

●Stay home when you are sick.

●Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

●Clean and disinfect frequently-touched objects and surfaces.

All students and staff who are experiencing illness – particularly fever, cough or shortness of breath – are asked to remain at home until their symptoms have cleared.

Click the links below to learn more about COVID-19

What is COVID-19?
Que es COVID-19?
Talking to Children about COVID-19
Hable con sus hijos sobre el COVID-19