All schools and district offices will be closed April 11-18 for Spring Break. Students will return on Tuesday, April 19.
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
Due to the threat of severe weather forecast for tomorrow, April 5, all schools will operate on the half day schedule. Elementary students will dismiss at 11:00 am. Middle and high school students will dismiss at 11:30 am. Students will be provided lunch before dismissal. All high school WorkKeys testing will be re-scheduled for April 7. All after school and athletic events are canceled for tomorrow. Classes will have assignments posted in Schoology for eLearning in the afternoon.
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
Students in grades 3-8 were scheduled to take a South Carolina Writing field test on Thursday, April 7. Due to continuing concerns over technology issues from the testing vendor, this test will not take place next week. Students in grades 3-8 will test one day during the week of April 25. Schools will send notification of the specific date once it is selected.
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
The School District of Newberry County Board of Trustees Budget Work Session/Special Called Board Meeting on April 4, 2022, will be open to the public with a limited seating capacity of 25 attendees.
almost 3 years ago, Richard Knight
The School District of Newberry County Board of Trustees Meeting on March 28, 2022, will be held in the Newberry High School Auditorium at 7:00 pm. This meeting is open to the public with a limited seating capacity of 150 attendees. Public forum will be available. The Public Participation Form BEDH-E can be accessed through the district website’s under Board Members & Meetings or at The public may view this meeting at
almost 3 years ago, Richard Knight
We are pleased to announce that we will have our District Arts Show on April 28 from 5:30-7:00 pm at the Newberry Arts Center. Select artwork from each school will be on display during this time.
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
Feedback on the 2022-2023 school calendar will close on Friday, March 18 at 5:00 pm. Please review the two drafts and provide feedback at If you have already provided feedback, you do not have to do so again.
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration for the 2022-2023 school year will be open from February 28-March 11. Parents can register online at for English or for Spanish. Full posters can be viewed at for English or for Spanish.
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
The School District of Newberry County is requesting input on the proposed school calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. Please review the two drafts and provide feedback at
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
The School District of Newberry County Board of Trustees Meeting on February 28, 2022, will be held in the Newberry High School Auditorium at 7:00 pm. This meeting is open to the public with a limited seating capacity of 150 attendees. Public forum will be available. The Public Participation Form BEDH-E can be accessed through the district website’s under Board Members & Meetings or at The public may view this meeting at Visitors are required to wear masks to comply with the Temporary Administrative Rule KI-R – Visitors.
almost 3 years ago, Richard Knight
The School District of Newberry County has updated its isolation and quarantine procedures to add a section on the impact the Test to Stay Option has on athletics: The primary goal of the TTS program is to keep students in the classroom in-person safely. However, when a student is returning to school for days 6-10 after five days of isolation/quarantine or remaining in school using the Test To Stay program, in order for them to participate in an extracurricular activity or sport, they must be able to consistently mask and/or remain more than 6 feet from others during the entire time. If this cannot be accomplished, then the participant should be excluded from the activity/sport through day 10 after exposure.
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff ("ORS"), an agency of the State of South Carolina ("State"), is conducting this Broadband Internet Survey (“Survey”) for the purpose of gathering information from citizens of the State on their desire to obtain residential high-speed Broadband (“Internet”) plans from Internet Service Providers (“ISP”). The data collected through this Survey will assist ORS in determining the demand and need for and promote access to residential high-speed, fiber-based Internet in and around your community and across the State. If you have questions about this survey, please email the ORS SC Broadband Office at Thank you in advance for participating in this survey, your feedback is extremely important to us!
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
The School District of Newberry County has updated its isolation and quarantine procedures. These updates can be found at the link below. The update includes a Test to Stay Option. This allows for students who are identified as a close contact to remain in school. The requirements to do so include wearing a mask at school for 10 days and testing on day 5. Students who are currently quarantined and may return to school under this option will be contacted today by the school. The change in our procedures goes into effect immediately.
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
The School District of Newberry County is updating its plan to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on our students and schools. Our district plan includes maintaining the health and safety of students, educators, and other school and district staff. The plan includes the following sections - universal and correct wearing of masks; modifying facilities to allow for physical distancing; handwashing and respiratory etiquette; cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities; contact tracing in combination with isolation; diagnostic and screening testing; efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff, and students; appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities; and coordination with state and local health officials. This feedback is requested to meet the requirements established by the United States Department of Education for safely sustaining safe school operations for 2021-2022 to maximize in-person instruction. In-person instruction is essential for student learning and student well-being, and especially for being able to address the educational inequities that have been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please provide any feedback relevant to the above categories by completing the form found at We appreciate your input.
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
almost 3 years ago, Austin Guy
The School District of Newberry County will return to in-person instruction on a normal schedule beginning Monday, January 24.
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
Due to the threat of inclement weather on Friday, January 21, the School District of Newberry County will move instruction to an asynchronous (not live) instruction day. Teachers will post assignments for students to complete, but there will be no live Google Meets on this day. Students will have a five-school-day window of time to turn in eLearning assignments. If assignments are not returned within that five-school-day window, the student may be counted absent for the day. It is expected that we will return to normal schedule on Monday, January 24. If your child has experienced symptoms, been identified as a close or household contact, or tested positive, please remember to report that to the school nurse through the use of the Covid Reporting Link found on the school and district websites. We appreciate your patience and understanding during our eLearning time and look forward to seeing our students on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware
The School District of Newberry County Board of Trustees Meeting on January 24, 2022, will be open to the public with a limited seating capacity of 25 attendees. Public forum will be available. The Public Participation Form BEDH-E can be accessed through the district website’s under Board Members and Meetings or at The public may view this meeting at
almost 3 years ago, Richard Knight
With WCFIBER you could be eligible for a discount of up to $30/month toward broadband service. For more information please visit:
almost 3 years ago, Austin Guy
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with the live broadcast of the Board Meeting. The agenda is posted on
almost 3 years ago, Carson Ware