December 11, 2019
NEWBERRY - A group of 21 football players, four cheerleaders and two coaches traveled to local schools to read to students in celebration of American Education Week.
The ...

December 11, 2019
NEWBERRY - Christmas has officially arrived at the Newberry County Memorial Hospital after their annual LoveLight Ceremony on Tuesday.
The LoveLight Ceremony puts a spot...

November 25, 2019
PROSPERITY - On November 16, the Mid-Carolina High School JROTC Drill Team participated in the JL Mann High School Jack Frost Drill Meet in Greenville. Mid-Carolina JROTC compete...

November 14, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Kevin Winch on being named Mid-Carolina High School Teacher of the Year!

November 14, 2019
NEWBERRY — Dominic Brown, WIS chief meteorologist, spoke to a room full of third, fourth and fifth grade students at Newberry Elementary Tuesday about what his job is like as a met...

November 13, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Amy Milstead on being named Pomaria-Garmany Elementary Teacher of the Year!

November 12, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Steve Lockwood on being named Whitmire Community School High School Teacher of the Year!

November 11, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Jennifer Lathrop on being named District Rookie Teacher of the Year!

November 11, 2019
NEWBERRY — Four Newberry County schools received the Healthy Schools
Award as given by the South Carolina Healthy Schools and Communities
Program during the October School Boa...

November 7, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Oleva Irvin on being named Newberry Elementary Teacher of the Year!
November 5, 2019
The Education Department at Newberry College will host story time for elementary students Thursday, November 7, November 14, and November 21 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Newberry Co...

November 5, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Jennifer Holliday on being named Newberry County Career Center Teacher of the Year!

October 31, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Joye Hall on being named Whitmire Community School Elementary Teacher of the Year!

October 29, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Allison Hall on being named Newberry High School Teacher of the Year!

October 24, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Rogen Doronila on being named Newberry Alternative School Teacher of the Year!

October 22, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Pam Davis on being named Gallman Elementary Teacher of the Year!

October 21, 2019
NEWBERRY — Newberry High School student athletic trainer Cole Boozer
has been selected to represent the Newberry High School athletic
training program during the All-Star Foot...

October 17, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Shannon Cromer on being named Little Mountain Elementary Teacher of the Year!

October 15, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Kristin Caughman on being named Mid-Carolina Middle School Teacher of the Year!

October 10, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Daniel Boland on being named Newberry Middle School Teacher of the Year!