August 19, 2020
Revised Parent/Guardian Toolkit for Reopening- English Revised Parent/Guardian Toolkit for Reopening -Spanish
August 18, 2020
English-When to Keep Your Student Home
Spanish- When to Keep Your Student Home
August 13, 2020
Please access the 1:1 Handbook to print student and parent signature pages. The final page is also available to be completed online via the QR code on the page. 1:1 Handbook/Dev...
April 10, 2020
The South Carolina Department of Education has requested additional information from districts regarding internet access. In an effort to assess internet capabilities within our ...
March 18, 2020
**This release is for information purposes only. SCETV programming is NOT required viewing for any School District of Newberry County student**
South Carolina ETV rei...
February 28, 2020
Link to Registration Page
February 24, 2020
New School Vaccine Requirements
New School Vaccine Requirements - Spanish
January 23, 2020
All children starting 5K in 2020 will need to have two hepatitis A shots.
January 21, 2020
It's time!..District-Wide Recruitment Fair will be held Saturday, January 25 from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. at Mid-Carolina High School.
January 14, 2020
District-Wide Recruitment Fair will be held Saturday, January 25 from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. at Mid-Carolina High School.
January 7, 2020
It's time for new opportunities...District-Wide Recruitment Fair will be held Saturday, January 25 from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. at Mid-Carolina High School.
November 5, 2019
The Education Department at Newberry College will host story time for elementary students each of the next three Thursdays, November 7, November 14, and November 21 from 6:30-7:30...
October 3, 2019
The School District of Newberry County would like to congratulate Tracy Anderson on being named Boundary Street Elementary Teacher of the Year!
October 3, 2019
The Education Department at Newberry College will host story time for elementary students on Thursday, October 10 from 6:30-7:30 at the Newberry College Teacher Education Center a...
September 6, 2019
The School District of Newberry County will hold its Kendall Road Complex open house celebration Monday, September 9, from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. The event will celebrate the opening...
June 20, 2019
Welcome to Boundary Street Elementary School!
We look forward to having you as a student here at BSE! Please click the link below to register your student. If you have any questi...
June 20, 2019
Online registration for the 2019-2020 school year is now open. All returning students should have received a snap code in order to register your student. If you did not receive th...