Oct. 2nd-Oct. 6th
Newberry Schools Spirit Week in Preparation for NHS Homecoming
Elementary, Middle School, and High School Participation
WLTX Teacher of the Week- Miss Jennifer Brown
Link: https://www.wltx.com/article/news/local/teacher-of-the-week/teacher-of-week-jennifer-brown/101-30f1d1ae-1c79-46ed-8c45-26dcaf814b33
Congratulations to Miss Jennifer Brown, WLTX Teacher of the Week
9/18-9/22. We are so proud of Miss Brown!
WLTX Link: https://www.wltx.com/teacher-of-the-week
News Show will run on 9/20 at 6AM again if you did not see the 9/19 5:30PM broadcast.
Miss Brown has taught at NMS for (7) years. She is a graduate of Whitmire Community School and a Graduate of USC Upstate. Miss Brown is Administrator Certified.
Note: Nominated by Mr. Reid (Principal)
-Related Arts Dept. Chair
-SDNC District Lead (Business Teachers)
-Pawsitive Experience Lead Teacher
-Tiger Care Club Sponsor
-Student Ambassadors Sponsor
-Extended Semester Lead Teacher
-21st Century Thriving Tigers Lead Teacher
-2022-2023 NMS Teacher of the Year
Congratulations to Mr. Elijah Johnson & Miss Jennifer Brown who were recognized at NHS at the SDNC "Celebration of Excellence."
Mr. "E." -22-23 Support Staff of the Year
Miss Brown-22-23 Faculty of the Year
Parents of 8th grade students are invited to a Parent Information night. See flyer for details.
We will have an 8th grade parent meeting regarding the PSAT on Sept. 26th at 5:00 pm.
Artwork by Aiden Cunningham (NMS 7th Grader) 23-24
P=Participation (Academics, Arts, Athletics, & Attendance) 4 P’s
R=Relationships (Work to build up/not breakdown)
I=Intensity (Work Hard/Do Your Best)
D=Determination “Eye of the Tiger” -Get It!
E=Effort “Hard work pays off”
Breakfast with Grands (NMS)
Date: 9/8/23
Beta Club Induction
Date: August 31st 2023
Time: 5:30PM
Sponsor: Emily Jones
2023-2024 Newberry Middle School
Teacher of the Month
August 2023- Geron Wiggins
Support Staff of the Month
August 2023-Dawn Roberts
Students of the Month/August 2023
6th Grade: Suyai Montoya
7th Grade: Hannah Chapman
8th Grade: Annabel Juarez Benitez
Congrats. to Mrs. Wiggins for winning the August Stokes Trainor "27 Point Inspection/Oil Change" Sponsored by Joe Trainor. (Teacher of the Month-August 2023)
Deadline to purchase the optional Technology Insurance (alternately referred to as “Technology Fee”) is Friday, September 1. The yearly $25 cost covers the first iPad or laptop repair free. Certain first time repair or replacement costs without insurance could exceed $600. The $25 may be paid directly to your child's school. For more information, please refer to pages 16-17 of the 1:1 Technology Handbook. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1079/NMS/3370241/2023-2024_1_1_TechnologyHandbook.pdf
Academic Challenge Team Interest Meeting (8/29/23) 8AM Location: Cafeteria
Sponsor: Jurgen Schnackenberg
Order Form Due to Mrs. Wilson, PTO President by Sept. 8th, 2023.
College Day (NMS) Sponsored by NMS Student Council.
Wear your favorite College T-Shirt!
School District of Newberry County Clear Bag Requirement
School: Newberry Middle School
The scrimmage against Saluda scheduled for Thursday, August 24, has been canceled.
9/8/23 Grandparents Breakfast
Congrats to Coach West and the Lady Tigers Volleyball Team for winning the Bronze Bracket at the River Bluff High School "Gators Gone Rogue Tournament!"
Thank you Ms. Cannon, Mrs. Wiggins, and Ms. Brown!
Thank you to Ms. Tudor for leading our NMS Tiger News!
Tiger News is off and running! Great Job Ms. Tudor!