Teacher of the Year: Jennifer Brown Support Staff of the Year: Elijah Johnson "Mr. E." TOY: Miss Jennifer Brown serves as a NMS Related Arts Teacher (Business Education). In addition, Miss Brown is the Related Arts Department Chair, Lead teacher/instructor for the NMS After School Program (21st Century Program), serves as the coordinator of the PAWSitive Mentor & Mentee Program, & serves on the NMS SIC Commitee and School Leadership Team. Mrs. Brown also assists administration with duty rosters and has served on several interview teams at NMS. Miss Brown will be the lead teacher/admin. for 2023 Extended Semester. Proud of Miss Brown! Support Staff of the Year: Mr. "E" (Elijah Johnson) Mr. Elijah is the first employee on campus at NMS most days and he works each day to ensure all NMS students, faculty, and staff have a clean facility. Mr. Elijah takes pride in NMS and we are very fortunate to have him here at NMS! GO TIGERS!!!
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
Mr. E.
TOY-J. Brown
May 5th Mrs. Brown and the NMS Administration would like to thank Mr. Pressley (Guest Speaker) and the Mentors who attended the 5/5/23 Mentor/Mentee Breakfast in the NMS Media Center. Special Thanks to Jennifer Brown, NMS Lead Teacher for leading this endeavor. Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
J. Brown
Mr. Pressley
May 26th-6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Awards Day (Note: 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony)
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
May 26th/8th Grade Awards Ceremony
Parent Sign Up for Supper/Chick-Fil-A Athletic Banquet NMS Cheer, Volleyball, Girls/Boys Basketball, & Football Date: May 25th/Thursday Time: 5:30pm Location: Gym Please contact Coach Skinner, Athletics Director, if you have any questions dskinner@sdnc.org https://forms.gle/9gAjFzqrYhY81zXM8
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
Athletic Banquet. Parent Signup/Chick-Fil-A
In an effort to recognize teachers of Newberry Middle School during this year's Teacher Appreciation Week (May 8-12),we would love to have former or current students, along with parents and community members, give a teacher of choice a SHOUT OUT to show how much our teachers mean to you. If you are unable to bring in a hand written note as previously advertised, we wanted to provide another option as well by filling out this form electronically. Feel free to do as many shout outs as you'd like! We will make sure all teachers receive the note left and will showcase some on our social media platforms as well. Please fill out by Monday, May 8, 2023. Link: https://forms.gle/RLYX35Dx2y6yr2Ru5 Proud of our NMS Teachers! GO TIGERS!
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
Teacher Appreciation Week
NMS Cheer Tryout Informational 2023
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
Cheer Tryouts
Be sure to join us for Doughnuts with Dads on May 12th. Please sign up on the Google form so we will have an accurate count for this fun event. We look forward to seeing our dads! https://forms.gle/5TbHAKWF8B9u34kT6
over 1 year ago, NMS
4/28/23 MUFFINS FOR MOMS (NMS) What a fantastic event! Proud of our turnout for this endeavor! We are going to have to use the gym next year!
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
Coach Skinner Addresses the Crowd
Muffins for Moms
Muffins for Moms.2
Muffins for Moms.3
K. Singletary addresses crowd
NMS Bus to Grants.... May 17th 4:30-5:30
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
Congrats. to Gracie Peck, NMS Art Teacher and all NMS Students who participated in the School District of Newberry County Art Show! Great Job! Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
District Art Show
District Art Show
After the NMS Chorus Concert on 5/11, please join us for this NMS Football Fundraiser at El Poblano! 5PM-10PM Coach White-Head Football Coach Undefeated Seasons (2021 and 2022) Back to Back Champs!
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
El Poblano 5/11
Congrats. to Casey McMillen, April 2023 Newberry Middle School Teacher of the Month. Congrats. to Amye Cook, April 2023 Newberry Middle School Support Staff of the Month. Proud to be a Tiger! Thank you to Joe Trainor, Stokes Trainor Dealership for sponsoring our Teacher of the Month. Coach McMillen will enjoy a 57 point inspection and Oil Change Compliments of Stokes Trainor/Joe Trainor.
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
A. Cook-Support Staff of the Month
Coach McMillen (1)
Coach McMillen (2)
National Administrative Professionals Day (4/26/23) We hope these awesome employees enjoy their nail salon gift card compliments of NMS Administration. NMS is very thankful for these Administrative Professional Employees at NMS. -Mrs. Dawn Roberts (Secretary/Bookkeeper) -Mrs. Tavisha Bookman (PowerSchool Clerk) -Mrs. Anne DeLeon (Receptionist) -Mrs. Amye Cook (ISS Monitor) *Assists with "Write Back" Educator Handbook/PowerSchool GO TIGERS!
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
80's Day -May 11th Thank you Erica Scriven, NMS Student Council Sponsor
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
80's Day -May 11th
Congratulations to the April 2023 NMS Students of the Month! 6th Grade: Jordan Boateng 7th Grade: Tymone Abrams 8th Grade: Mason Mills
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
Aprils 2023 Students of the Month
April 2023 Students of the Month.2
4/22/23 NMS Pageant was a huge success! Thank you to Ms. Mills, NMS Pageant Sponsor and all parties who assisted in making this event take place. Contestants did a fantastic job!
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
pageant 2
Pageant 4
Pageant 5
The NMS Tiger Chorus Salutes the 80s on Thursday, May 11th in the NMS gym. There will be a free concert for the school at 2pm and a minimum $2.00 donation per person at the 6:30pm performance at the door/admissions table. Note: Folks can give a larger donation if they wish per Mr. O'Brien. The concert will feature the NMS Tiger Chorus and solo performances by 6th, 7th, and 8th grade singers. Professional sound and lights will be part of this 80's pop/rock experience and the students will be backed up by BREAKING ELEVEN, Mr. O'Brien's 80's cover band. Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind concert event that celebrates an amazing decade in music while supporting our young performers at NMS!
over 1 year ago, Zeb Reid
May 11th Chorus Concert (NMS)